Joseph Holler's Open Source GIScience Resources at Middlebury College
: In this lesson, we will practice introductory spatial python using cyber-infrastructure.
Twitter Analysis Due Tomorrow (Tues)
credit: Hour of CI
In the tutorial, if you cannot tolerate choropleth maps of totals (and you shouldn’t)…
merged['pctcases'] = merged['cases'] / merged['population'] * 100
# switch the column mapped to to pctcases
What’s coming next? We’ll try a reproduction study on the CyberGISX Cyberinfrastructure Research Platform!
What if you want to use Python and Jypter notebooks to practice spatial data science on your local computer, without access to servers like Hour of CI and CyberGISX? You can install Anaconda and create a local conda environment including Jupyter notbooks and packages for spatial data science. The pandas
package provides the functions you learned to love in SQL
and R’s dplyr
while the geopandas
package provides the spatial functions, analagous to PostGIS
and R’s sf