Finalizing Malawi Climate Vulnerability Reproduction
: In this lesson, we will complete, compare and interpret the replication study.
In lecture, we will strategize and workflow-plan how to:
- complete the livelihood sensitivity (FEWSnet) portion of the Malcomb et al (2014) study
- address remaining sources of uncertainty in our reproduction study
In lab we will:
- complete a reproduction of Malcomb et al (2014) !
- import and map a digital replica of the Malcomb et al published maps
- adjust our methods to fit the results of Malcomb et al as well as we can
I suggest tackling the challenge as such:
- as a group, make sure you’ve got the required data assembled for sensitivity of livelihood zones
- as a group, discuss a workflow plan for incorporating the livelihood zone data into your analysis
- transitioning to pairs / independent work, search for examples in the current R code for the operations you need
- learn through analogy: repurpose the code you find for processing sensitivity of livelihood zones
- make sure you get the code working on your won computer, but as always this is a collaborative environment in which questions and crosstalk are welcome.
The final report will be due on Tuesday.
Remember to give credit to your peers for their contributions while you finalize your own reproduction study & report independently.
The final analysis will reach the point of completing a reproduction of figures 3 and 4 and quantitatively comparing those results with the published maps in the paper. On Friday, we will discuss a strategy for this quantitative comparison.
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