Rosgen Stream Classification
: In this lesson, we will learn how geomorphologists apply spatial concepts to understand streams.
Monday, March 15 Asynchronous Lecture
How do geomorphologists use spatial analysis to classify river and stream systems, inferring stream and river system processes from their current form? Let’s first learn how geomorphologists “see” river systems, before we replicate their spatial analysis using GIS.
Geomorphology Conceptual Videos
- Bite-Sized Geomorphology Youtube Playlist
- Slides are found in the RE-rosgen respository (I lost the Excel notebook for notetaking– if anyone has a copy please share)
- Sinuosity
- Longitudinal Profiles
- Grains and the Basics of Fluvial Sediment Tranport
- Channel Form
- Ratios in Fluvial Geomorphology
- Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. CATENA 22 (3):169–199.
Guide to Reading (added 3/14)
In this reading, please pay the most attention to:
- 1.0 Introduction: background and motivation for the topic, especially objective #4
- 2.0 Stream Classification Concepts: what are the eight major variables influencing stream morphology?
- 3.0 Stream Classification System: this is the methodology you’ll need, and these ideas are illustrated in the video playlist
- Sections 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 6.3 and 6.4 describe many of the practical uses and applications of this classification system
- 7.0 Summary
- EPA. N.D. Fundamentals of Rosgen Stream Classification System in Watershed Academy available at as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Online Training in Watershed Management
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