Open Source GIScience

Joseph Holler's Open Source GIScience Resources at Middlebury College

Error and Uncertainty

: In this lesson, we will develop conceptual tools for describing and managing error and uncertainty.

Friday, March 12 Discussion


Recall that the NASEM (2019) report reading included some dicussion of error, precision, and uncertainty. Please review those concepts.

Please read:

  1. Longley, P. A., M. F. Goodchild, D. J. Maguire, and D. W. Rhind. 2008. Geographical information systems and science 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley. (only chapter 6: Uncertainty, pages 127-153)


I am particularly interested in your interpretation and reaction to figure 6.1 in Longley et al (2008) with regards to the three questions/prompts below:

  1. Do you have first-hand knowledge or experience with uncertainty in spatial/geographic research?
  2. What responsibilties do geographers have with regards to uncertainty in research?
  3. What strategies might geographers use to fulfill those responsibilities?


  1. Aerts, J. C. J. H., M. F. Goodchild, and G. B. M. Heuvelink. 2003. Accounting for Spatial Uncertainty in Optimization with Spatial Decision Support Systems. Transactions in GIS 7 (2):211–230.
  2. Delaney, J., and K. Van Niel. 2007. Error evaluation and tracking. In Geographical information systems: an introduction, 167–177. New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. Duckham, M., and J. Sharpe. 2005. Uncertainty and Geographic Information: Computational and Critical Convergence. In Re-presenting GIS, eds. P. Fisher and D. Unwin, 113–124. Chichester: J. Wiley.
  4. NASEM. 2019. Reproducibility and Replicability in Science. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

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