What is Open GIScience?
: In this lesson, we will learn about Open GIScience.
Please read some background on open source in Geography for class discussion on Friday, February 26.
- Rey, S. J. 2009. Show me the code: spatial analysis and open source. Journal of Geographical Systems 11 (2):191–207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10109-009-0086-8
- Singleton, A. D., S. Spielman, and C. Brunsdon. 2016. Establishing a framework for Open Geographic Information science. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (8):1507–1521. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2015.1137579
- Remember the course literature repository
While you read these, consider:
- As we practice Open GIScience in this class, what are the implications for learning, the honor code, and evaluation/grades?
- What are the meanings of free software, open source, and open science?
- How is free as in the free software movement different from free as in a cost of
- In what way might something be open source but not free?
- As we practice Open GIScience in this class, what are the implications for:
- Learning
- The Honor Code (link for Middlebury community only)
- Evaluation & Grades
- Is there space for Open GIScience in an undergraduate liberal arts education?
- What risks/benefits do you see for use of open source GIS in:
- science?
- government?
- private businesses?
Please write a response/reaction to this material on your GitHub site. GitHub site and Open GIScience post are due on Monday March 1.
Short additional resources on open source / free software licensing:
Resources from the slides:
Main Page