Open Source GIScience

Joseph Holler's Open Source GIScience Resources at Middlebury College

Spatial Python

Oct-14 : In this lesson, we will gain familiarity with Python's spatial GeoPandas.

Over the next few weeks, we will:

Reproduction Study Context

Enhanced Two Step Floating Catchment Area

Technology Context


Kang, J. Y., A. Michels, F. Lyu, Shaohua Wang, N. Agbodo, V. L. Freeman, and Shaowen Wang. 2020. Rapidly measuring spatial accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources: a case study of Illinois, USA. International Journal of Health Geographics 19 (1):1–17. DOI:10.1186/s12942-020-00229-x.

Luo, W., and Y. Qi. 2009. An enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) method for measuring spatial accessibility to primary care physicians. Health and Place 15 (4):1100–1107. DOI:10.1016/j.healthplace.2009.06.002.

Spatial data science with python on your own

What if you want to use Python and Jupyter notebooks to practice spatial data science on your local computer, without access to servers like Hour of CI and CyberGISX? You can install Anaconda and create a local conda environment including Jupyter notebooks and packages for spatial data science. The pandas package provides the database functions you learned to love in SQL while the geopandas package provides the spatial functions, analogous to PostGIS.

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