PostGIS Introduction Practice
: In this lesson, we will practice spatial analysis with PostGIS.
For each ward of Dar es Salaam, what is the:
- Population Density
- Percentage of area at risk of flooding (any amount of flooding)
While answering the question, we’ll learn how to check and manage:
- Missing Data in Joins
- Geometry Errors
- Managing geometry metadata in databases
- Map projections and area calculations
: Excel table of population by ward for all of Tanzania
- Reg_Code
- Reg_Name
- Dis_Code
- Dis_Name
- Ward_Code
- Ward_Name
- total_both
- total_male
- total_fema
Dar es Salaam Administrative Wards
: Vector polygon layer of wards in Dar es Salaam
- Ward_Name
- Ward_Code
- District_N
- District_C
- Region_Nam
- Region_Cod
Dar es Salaam Flood Scenario, 25-200cm
: Vector polygon layer of flood risk zones in Dar es Salaam
Note: these instructions need to be consolidated into one workshop/tutorial
- SQL Code with Instructions in Comments : open this in Notepad++ or Atom
- Panopto Videos : Available to Middlebury community only. The last video is optional background on how to download OpenStreetMap data and push it into a PostGIS database.
- Open QGIS -> Browser Panel -> PostGIS -> New Connection
- Name: up to you; Host:
; port: 5432
; database: dsm
; User name and password
- Browse database contents in Browser Panel and DB Manager Plugin
- Query tab:
ALTER USER name PASSWORD 'new_password'
- Reconnect after changing the password
- Refresh Database
- Resilience Academy at
- View metadata detail for any vector layer and copy the
OGC WFS geonode service
- In QGIS, add a WFS connection using the address you just copied
- Add
Administrative Wards
and Flood Scenario 25-200cm
to the QGIS project
- FYI, GeoNode is an open source geospatial catalog server
- In DB Manager, navigate to your personal schema and Import Layer / File
- Import the flood layer with the table name
and use the options to convert field names to lowercase and create spatial index
- View table metadata and create spatial indices
- Repeat the import procedure for the administrative layer, calling the new table
- for Sept 30th: Learn some more SQL for OSM to investigate the social context of OpenStreetMap data and to identify college bars.
- Miscellaneous notes: more.sql
For next class
- Complete the
and osm_sql
- Write hard copy or digital notes and questions about how SQL works in relation to what you know from QGIS.
- Complete a new blog post, which may respond to discussion questions for next class
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